This is a guest post from Cassidy Randall. Cassidy is the Campaign and Outreach Manager at Women’s Voices for the Earth, a national organization that works to eliminate toxic chemicals that harm women’s health.
Green Momma Party
Of course you want to protect your baby from toxic chemicals lurking in your home – who doesn’t? But trying to figure out what those harmful chemicals are, where they might be hiding, and finding the safe alternatives can get overwhelming, fast. And the thought of doing all that on your own? Forget it!
Detoxing your home shouldn’t be a chore. So make it a party instead! A Green Momma Party, that is.
What is a Green Momma Party?
Green Momma Parties make creating a non-toxic home fun with a room-by-room guide for eliminating harmful chemicals, do-it-yourself recipes, and how-to videos. And even better – this is a party with a purpose. By hosting or going to a Green Momma Party, you’re not just taking steps to detox your home – you’re raising your voice to demand safer products in the first place.
Women have some incredible power for making meaningful change when it comes to eliminating toxic chemicals that impact the health of our families. At a Green Momma Party, you’ll get the chance to use it.
Did you know that women make 85% of purchasing decisions? That’s a ton of consumer power that we can use to convince companies to make safe products. Or did you know that regardless of political party, women consistently rate chemicals in the environment as a top concern? That’s also a hefty amount of political power to influence legislators to protect your health. When you raise your voice, major corporations and national policy-makers listen.
So how does a party fit into this? The Green Momma Party Guide, free for download on Women’s Voices for the Earth’s website, has everything you need to host a fabulous party, including Five Take Action Tips for Busy Mommas. Taking action is actually built into the agenda, between the room-by-room guide to avoiding harmful chemicals and making your own DIY recipes for healthy products. After you and your party guests have learned about toxic chemicals to avoid and economical solutions from the room-by-room guide, you’ll be fired up to take action to ensure that toxic chemicals don’t end up in our products in the first place. With just the click of a button on a laptop or smartphone, you’re using your consumer power to tell companies you want safer products, and to tell legislators that you want them to protect your health.
And don’t underestimate the click of a button. Your voice matters, and when you raise it, major corporations and elected officials listen.
What’s in the Green Momma Party Guide:
- Room-by-Room Guide of hidden hazards and practical solutions
- Do-it-Yourself recipes & how-to videos for each recipe
- Non-Toxic Shopping Guide
- Five Take Action Tips for Green Mommas
- How to Host a Green Momma Party
- Suggested agenda
- Discussion Guide for the host to keep the conversation flowing
So, are you ready to detox your home, make a difference, and have fun? Sign up to host a Green Momma Party today!
Photo © Jo Ingate #5111897