Non-GMO verified is NOT the same as organic.
Something to keep in mind the next time you head to the supermarket.
Over the past few years GMO labeling has come a long way …..but we have a long way to go.
Non-GMO Project Verified labels are popping up on more and more products on the shelves in our markets. I use this label more and more to find products that don’t contain GMOs and to support companies that label their products.
Sometimes a Non-GMO Project Verified label will appear along with other labels and other times it will stand alone.
Labeling, while so important, can also be very confusing. It’s time to clear up any confusion!
What is a Non-GMO Project Verified Label?
I generally find the Non-GMO Project Verified label at the bottom of a product. The label provides consumers with independent, third party assurance that the product contains no GMOs (products tested must contain less that .9percent GMOs, which allows for unintentional contamination). Yes, there could be unintentional contamination.
What is USDA Organic Certification?
In a nutshell, products with an organic certification are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. Animals that produce meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products do not take antibiotics or growth hormones.
USDA certified products cannot intentionally contain GMOs. The USDA does not require testing for GMOs, so accidental contamination may occur.
Bottom Line
So there you have it. A non-GMO label is only certifying that a product does not contain GMOs. An organic certification provides much more, including a certification that the product doesn’t contain GMOs. Both certifications leave a bit of wiggle room for unintentional GMO contamination. So yes, your food could contain GMOs even if there’s a non-GMO and/or organic certification.
Buy organic food whenever you can. A new study found substantially higher levels of antioxidants and lower levels of pesticides in organic fruits, vegetables and grains compared with conventionally grown produce. Look for the Non-GMO Verified label as another resource when shopping for cereals, snacks and other foods.
When you shop do you look for the Non-GMO Verified Label?