Tomatoes are a favorite in our home. This year we planted a few tomato plants in our garden. They were growing and thriving until the deer discovered them and decided to eat a few of the plants. There are plenty left, but I would love any suggestions on how to prevent this next year.
The remaining tomatoes aren’t quite ready to pick. We’re waiting impatiently. There’s nothing like fresh plum tomatoes straight off the vine.
Did you know that tomatoes aren’t vegetables? They are a citrus fruit.
Whether large or small, they pack a powerful punch by way of nutrients and health benefits. They are truly a super-food.
Here are the top 3 reasons to eat more tomatoes
Keep Cancer Away
The tomato’s beautiful red color comes from a phytochemical called lycopene. According to the American Cancer Society, studies have shown that risks for some types of cancer are lower in people with higher lycopene levels in their blood.
I was a bit surprised to learn that tomatoes that have been crushed and cooked appear to be a better source of lycopene than those eaten raw. Apparently mashing, pureeing and cooking releases more of the lycopene from the tomato, making it easier for our bodies to absorb.
Ward Off Heart Disease
A study by scientists at Tufts University found regularly eating lycopene, found in tomatoes, over many years can have a powerful positive effect on heart health. In another study a supplement of lycopene improved function of the the inner lining of blood vessels in volunteers with cardiovascular disease.
Strong Bones
Vitamin K and lycopene, both found in tomatoes and tomato products, help prevent bone loss. A serving of tomatoes provide 18% the daily value for vitamin K, which promotes bone health. Lycopene, a potent antioxidant found predominantly in tomatoes and tomato products, helps to prevent bone loss and osteoporosis.
Time to eat those tomatoes! Stick with organic tomatoes whenever you can.
What’s your favorite way to eat tomatoes? Mine: roasted with garlic and olive oil.
photo credit: Pieter Musterd via photopin cc and arbyreed via photopin cc