Earth Day is this Friday, April 22. I think we can all agree that the earth needs more than one day to heal, but this one day can serve as a catalyst to get the do-gooder in all of us up and running.
A few companies are helping put Earth Day on the map by promoting simple green acts.
- Collect your old, used flip-flops and bring them to an Old Navy store from April 22 through May 21, 2011. Look for the collection bins inside the store. TerraCycle will recycle the flip-flops into playgrounds which will be donated to communities around the country. TerraCycle is an international upcycling and recycling company that encourages consumers to rethink waste and makes it easy to have a positive impact on the environment.
- Have a Picnic for the Planet this Friday. The Nature Conservancy is sponsoring the picnic and suggesting that you choose a favorite outdoor location, round up some friends and take the planet out to lunch! Picnic for the Planet is a celebration of the planet we live on, the food it provides and the people we share it with. Our plant does so much for us-we should thank it by taking it out to lunch. Check out the Nature Conservancy site to join a local picnic happening near you – or start your own!
- This Friday pop into Starbucks with your reusable mug and score a free cup of coffee. Americans use about 14.4 BILLION paper cups each year. Where do these cups end up? Landfills-since most coffee cups are lined to be waterproof, they can’t be recycled.
- Use a mobile boarding pass. If you’re traveling on Continental or United airlines on April 22 the airlines want you to save some trees and get in the habit of using mobile boarding passes instead of paper boarding passes. When checking in for flights you can choose to have your boarding pass emailed. Head to the gate with your mobile pass and scan it. The airlines pledge to donate $1-$2 towards Protect an Acre program (a program which preserves swaths of tropical forests) each time a passenger uses a mobile app.
- Drop off your unwanted pens, marker and mechanical pencils at Office Depot. Office depot teamed up with TerraCycle, who will recycle the supplies into office supplies like organizers and trash cans.
Kudos to TerraCycle for their continuous recycling efforts. Don’t forget to “like” B Kind 2 Earth Day on Facebook and pledge to do at least one act of kindness towards the earth. For more Earth Day ideas check out 6 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day Everyday and Don’t Do This on Earth Day.
Through action, community and inspiration we can make Earth Day count every day.
Any of these on your to-do list this Friday? Are there any other companies that should be added to the list of Earth Day supporters?
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[Earth photo used under Creative Commons from Saad Irfan/Flickr]