As we kick off this December weekend I look outside my office window to find a thin blanket of snow on the ground. Winter is here and for those of us who love to ski the snow is a welcome sight.
I’m sending you off to do your holiday shopping with a few updates and some weekend reading to keep you busy.
New Sponsors
The new year is already promising to be a great one. I’m excited to welcome a few new sponsors to my site. Many thanks to them for their support.
Baby Eco Trends
Baby Eco Trends carries high quality USA Made Eco Friendly Nursery Furniture, Amish Convertible Baby Cribs, Organic Moses Baskets, Organic Bedding/Mattresses & Wooden Toys. You’ll find American made baby nursery furniture & children’s furniture made of solid wood, sustainably grown & harvested in the USA.
nest PURE
At nest PURE you will find very limited quantities of quality organic and eco-friendly products, which are all under $50 and all handcrafted in the USA.
The Organic Mattress
This little gem of a shop sells organic mattresses and bedding. They just added Ekla Home upholstered furniture to their shop.
I’m a Green Guardian!
Check out this lovely article written about me over at eCycle Best. I love that I’ve been turned into a cartoon!
Where I’ve been writing
Around this time of year I generally slow down a bit on the writing front. I’ve been sharing my time with a few other sites.
Over at The Huffington Post I wrote about ways to reduce your carbon footprint over Thanksgiving. Although the article was written with Thanksgiving in mind, these tips and tricks for reducing our carbon footprint can be applied throughout the year.
I spent some time researching alternatives to nonstick pots and pans over at Moms Clean Air Force. As many of you know, nonstick finishes have come under fire in recent years due to the toxic fumes emitted when the cookware is exposed to high heat. Those nonstick advantages are taking a backseat and many health conscious families are now opting for a safer alternative.
What I’m reading
McDonalds is changing their menu
Here’s one more example of how consumers are being heard. The dollars we spend do make a difference! McDonald’s is changing their menu. It’s not a complete overhaul, but they’re sending eight items to the chopping block and maybe even getting rid of some ingredients, as the fast-food chain tries to revamp its supersize-me reputation.
Our food system is broken-organic strawberries can still contain pesticides
This was news to me: When they are starting out, organic strawberry plants are grown with the help of fumigants, the hard-to-control class of pesticides that have been linked to cancer, developmental problems and the hole in the ozone layer.
What’s groovy and green in your world? Have a great weekend!
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