Today (October 16, 2011) is World Food Day. It’s a worldwide event designed to increase awareness, understanding and promote action to alleviate hunger. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reports that about 925 million people do not have enough to eat, with the worst problems being concentrated in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
To support this important event I’ve joined forces with bloggers from around the world for Blog Action Day to spread the word that famine and hunger are obscene and we won’t tolerate it any longer.
Today is a day to take action. All it takes is a few seconds to make a difference.
Sign the petition-
“We who support this petition find it unacceptable that close to one billion people are chronically hungry. Through the United Nations, we call upon governments to make the elimination of hunger their top priority until that goal is reached. “
Take a moment to watch the F-Word video from One:
Take the Food Quiz to learn a few surprising facts about hunger.
Blog Action Day also falls within Non-GMO Month. At this time the FDA doesn’t require the labeling of GMOs in food ingredient lists. If we take a look at our friends in the EU and other countries -GMO labeling has been the norm for years. We all deserve to know what we are eating.
The next time you open your refrigerator think about all who don’t have food. The next time you throw food away think about all who don’t have food. This is a day to combine our collective voices and be heard. This is a day to spread the word and do something to help. Famine is the real obscenity. Let’s put an end to it.
How did you do on the quiz? I learned I have a lot to learn!
[Photo courtesy of GreenPeace in honor of Blog Action Day 2011]