I need you to call Congress today. I know that seems like an odd request, but believe me when I tell you your phone call can make a difference.
About a month ago people flew in from all around the country for the second National Stroller Brigade in Washington DC. I joined hundreds of people on Capital Hill asking Congress for real reform of our federal chemical laws.
Now we have the chance to do more – and you can help!
At the National Stroller Brigade in DC with Shane from Environmental Booty.
The Backstory: We Have Outdated Chemical Laws in Place That Need to Be Updated By Congress. Now.
In 1976 Congress passed a deeply flawed bill meant to protect the public from toxic chemicals. It didn’t work and now it’s incredibly outdated and does very little to protect us.
Now there’s a new bill before the Senate (and recently before the House) called the Chemical Safety Improvement Act. This bill is intended to fix our broken chemical system, as drafted, but it does NOT protect our families from toxic chemicals.The bill is so weak that the EPA still wouldn’t be able to regulate asbestos!
We need Congress to know we want chemical reform, but it must be real. That means reform that will protect pregnant women, children and heavily polluted communities from toxic chemical pollution.
Today’s a Day of Action and We Need You to Call Congress!
Today Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families, “the country’s largest coalition working to protect our families from toxic chemicals” is hosting a Day of Action.
Many of your neighbors and thousands of people from across the country are calling Congress to ask for STRONG laws on toxic chemicals. We need you to call too.
Please Call Your Senators Today to Demand Safer Chemical Laws
It only takes a minute – call your Senators NOW!
Click HERE to find out who you should call. All the information will be at your fingertips to make the call extremely easy!
Or if you’re reading this on your phone, simply call the capitol switchboard at 1-888-907-6886:
Here are a few samples of what you can say when you call
- Hi my name is _______ and I am a (insert something like mom, dad, aunt, nurse, community leader, doctor etc). I am very concerned about toxic chemicals in consumer products, the places we live and work and their impact on my family’s health.
- I’m calling Senator ___________ to ask him/her to make sure that reform of our toxic chemical laws is REAL. The bill before the Senate, the Chemical Safety Improvement Act, as drafted, does not have my support.
- Reform must be real and protect pregnant women, children and hot spot communities. I urge Senator _____ to stand up for REAL reform of our toxic chemical laws.”
Let your Senators know that in order to win your support for reform, it must meet the recommendations of the mainstream medical community.