Spring is a time for starting fresh; spring flowers are in full bloom and the air carries that wonderful scent of new green growth. For many spring simply means thoroughly cleaning out the dirt, dust and disorder that have crept in over the past year. If you are really ambitious, the cleaning doesn’t only have to happen in our homes it can happen in our bodies.
What is a cleanse?
Colon cleansing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to clean out our bodies by removing built up toxins from inside the colon. There are dozens of options available for clearing the colon of this accumulated waste and it’s important to find the solution that works for you.
My cleanse (doesn’t have to by your cleanse)
The cleanse I have done for many years is a liquid fast for 5 days (don’t let that scare you off-read on for more info). I was introduced to a cleanse many years ago by a dear friend (and fabulous acupuncturist) Yoko Chun. We use a company called Blessed Herbs. I am tied to this cleanse only because I am familiar with the program and have had success in the past. There are a lot of options out there and it’s important to find one that works for you, taking into consideration any health conditions you may have.
Facts about Blessed Herbs:
- The kit is about $89 -you are responsible for purchasing your own organic apple juice.
- Comes in two flavors: ginger
or peppermint
. I have always chosen ginger.
- The fast lasts for 9 days in total- first 4 days are a slow decrease in food intake and the last 5 days are liquid only. The liquid is apple juice mixed with a ginger or peppermint packet that comes in the kit. The packets are very filling-I never felt hungry (that is always the general consensus- as hard as that may be to imagine).
Why cleanse
It feels great. I’ve been doing a cleanse for many years and the end result is fantastic. Not only does the cleanse clear out your colon (and it’s not pretty!) but it helps clear your mind.
Things to consider if you are cleansing
Check in with your doctor to make sure a liquid fast is OK for you. Find support before you begin-I don’t think I could have done the cleanse alone. Having a community of people who are doing the cleanse at the same time was crucial. Create community through this blog or another outlet so that you have the support you need. It is mentally challenging at times( especially during the first day of fasting) but as the week goes on it becomes easier. I have always done this cleanse with my husband, Joel, and a group of friends. Remain open-a lot can happen, both physically and mentally.
What are the benefits?
I have always continued with my regular routine during the cleanse-work, exercise, activities are all at normal capacity for me. That might not work for you. Listen to your body.
- Lose weight –although I seem to gain it right back!
- Improve digestion.
- Eliminate toxins.
- Much more…..
Use this blog for support
I need a lot of support and would love to have you join in. We are shooting for a May 16th start date-this should give you enough time to buy a kit or look into other cleansing options.
The comment section below will be open for support and questions throughout. Feel free to subscribe to the comments even if you don’t want to participate.
Have you ever done a cleanse? Are you interested?
I am not a physician. Please check with your physician before doing a cleanse to make sure it is a good fit for you.
If you buy the cleansing kit through clicking on the Amazon links above it will put a few pennies in my pocket. I am not a representative of Blessed Herbs and everything in this article is my own opinion.
[Photo used under Creative Commons from Muhammad Ghouri/Flickr]