I have to admit that it was a big deal for me to share my first political post on Facebook. I agonized over what to share. Who would “like” it? Who would give me dirty looks at the gym?
Talk with me one-on-one and I’m happy to share my political views loud and clear. But there’s something different about sharing publically. Putting my political views out there for the general public doesn’t come easily to me. I’ve never been one to cover my front lawn with signs and talk politics at a party. One would think that being a blogger is somewhat synonymous with putting it all out there, but surprisingly I’m a relatively private person. My kids are completely off limits when it comes to social sharing unless they consent and my blog has always been (and will remain bipartisan). My goal is to educate and share information that’s applicable to everyone concerned about their health and the environment regardless of race, religion and political affiliation. And political perspectives have been off the table. Until now.
I really don’t care about likes and dirty looks. It’s my responsibility to speak out.
I can no longer sit on the sidelines. The time to resist is now.
When politics turn to basic human rights I no longer can sit on the sidelines cheering on my friends who have the courage to speak out. Yes, I can (and will) continue to cheer them on, but I need to do more.
I’ve been sitting idle for weeks. Months. Not really sure what to do. Paralyzed and overwhelmed by the looming possibilities.
There’s so much happening that I either don’t understand or can’t wrap my head around. I’m a trained lawyer and I’m still having trouble understanding the process behind all of the impetuous appointments and orders being shoved down our throats. I’m not sure where to turn first and where to best use my energy to resist.
One thing I’m absolutely sure about is that the time to act is now.
As we continue to witness horrific changes impacting the diverse people of our country the fight has only just begun.
If we all commit to acting against extremism and devote a few minutes each day to resist, together we can make a difference.
Here’s how you can help:
- Get involved. Decide what moves you and act on it. Don’t wait.
- Check before you share. Make sure you’re sharing real news on social media. Check your sources before sharing information.
- Follow or connect with people you trust and listen for their leads on a call to action. Contact me if you want a list of my go-to organizations and people to follow.
- Talk to your children. Of course please be age appropriate, but don’t be afraid to talk with them about what’s going on in the world. Use books to help your child understand the issues. Here are a few great books on what it’s like to be a refugee.
- Sign up for Daily Action alerts by text.
- Get to work on a local level and elect/appoint those who are like-minded and care.
- Volunteer for organizations that are working hard to protect our interests.
- Make a donation. Chose an organization that is making a difference and show your support.
- Focus on getting good people into the seats in the mid-term elections. That is going to be key!
Don’t forget that resistance works! Your voice does matter.
If you have more suggestions on how to resist please share!
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