Every lunchbox needs to have a snack or two.
This time of year my kids start to complain about their lunchbox snack selections. They’re getting bored bringing in the same thing every day.
I’m always curious to hear what others are tacking in for a snack. I’ve found that taking my kids to the grocery store with me is always helpful. When they’re part of the snack selection process they’re more likely to chose healthy snacks that they will eat.
Before the complaining becomes too loud and out of control I thought I would share a few healthy snack options that will hopefully work in your children’s lunchboxes.
Grape and Pineapple Skewers. This is so simple and fun to make. It’s also easy to swap out the grapes and pineapple for different types of fruit. I would suggest using fruit that will hold together on the stick. Also, pack the snack in a stainless steel container such as a Klean Kanteen Food Canister (affiliate link–>Klean Kanteen Food Canister 16 OZ) or a LunchBots Canister (affiliate link–>LunchBots Stainless Steel Food Container
) to prevent leakage and crushed fruit.
Almond Date Balls. These are so simple to make with only 5 ingredients. Have your kids help out too. They’ll be excited to show off their hard work to their friends. Recipe is HERE.
No Bake Granola Bars. Micaela from Mindful Momma has a great recipe for Go Bars in her book, Practically Green (affiliate link–>Practically Green: Your Guide to Ecofriendly Decision-Making). These are an easy homemade, no-bake granola bar that make a perfect lunchbox snack. Also try this Homemade Chocolate LaraBar Recipe from EcoKaren.
Homemade Fruit Roll-Ups. My kids still love to unroll the entire fruit roll-up and eat the entire thing in about 5 seconds flat. I love this recipe for homemade fruit roll-ups. Such a simple way to add a little fruit to your child’s diet. There’s no processed sugar added, no artificial colors and they taste delicious!
Granola. There is a great recipe in the novel, Julia’s Child (affiliate link–>Julia’s Child). The author, Sarah, explains her reason for making her own granola: I find that many commercial granolas have a lot more sugar than I’d like, and they also tend to taste stale. This recipe makes a big batch, but at our house it only lasts a few days. Enjoy! Sarah also wrote The Ski House Cookbook: Warm Winter Dishes for Cold Weather Fun.
Please share your favorite healthy lunchbox snack! I can always use a little inspiration.
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