There are so many fantastic cooking tips out there, far too many to include here. Over time I’ll keep adding more and more to the list. A few of my favorites have included how to clean stainless steel pots and pans and stainless steel appliances. Here are three more cooking tips that have really rocked my kitchen.
Easy Peasy Egg Shell Remover
If you use eggs to cook you know how frustrating it can be to get a piece of egg shell out of a mixture. There’s good news-no extra tools or fingers required. Simply use another piece of egg shell from the cracked egg to scoop it out. For some reason the extra shell cuts right through the egg and easily scoops up the annoying piece of shell. Try it and you’ll be amazed.
Get Rid of That Garlic Smell
I love garlic and all of its superpowers, but I can’t stand the smell it leaves on my hands after chopping. Here’s a trick to get rid of that stinky garlic smell: After working with garlic, rub your hands on your stainless steel sink or with a stainless steel utensil for 30 seconds before washing them. Bye, bye stinky garlic smell.
Chopping Onions Without Tears
Cutting onions and crying seems to go hand-in-hand for most of us. Here are a few tips for keeping those tears at bay when chopping an onion:
- Sharpen those knives. Using a sharp knife means that less enzymes are released since the onion is sliced through, not crushed.
- Cut or peel your onion under running water.
- Dunk the onions in cold water for 15 minutes before cutting,
- Refrigerate or freeze the onion for a few minutes before cutting or chopping.
- Chop near a flame. The rationale seems to be that the flames sucks in many of the offending vapors before they reach your eyes.
- Spray a little vinegar on your cutting board before you slice.
Do you have any simple cooking tips to add to the list?