In need of a little extra brain power to prepare you for back-to-school?
We have a few days to go before summer vacation comes to a screeching halt so I’m in the process of savoring every last minute with my kids (with some minutes definitely better than others). I have to confess that over the summer we sometime strayed from healthy options, but we did our best. Now that a routine is back in sight it’s time to add a few foods bursting with brain power to the weekly menu.
Not only are blueberries delicious, but there’s research which suggests that the flavonoids in blueberries make them a top contender for improving brain power. Flavonoids may improve memory, learning and general cognitive function, including reasoning skills, decision making, verbal comprehension and numerical ability. Blueberries may also provide protection against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Broccoli is one of those foods my kids will eat without any complaints. This superfood is not only chock full of needed nutrients, but it also boasts a large amount of vitamin K which helps enhance cognitive function and improve brain power.
Lentils show up often in meals at our house since they are so simple to prepare- no soaking necessary. This legume is brimming with folate, a B vitamin shown to help boost brain power. Folate also plays a role in decreasing levels of amino acids that can impair brain functioning.
Fish generally ends up on our dinner table once or twice a week. Salmon is a family favorite with other types of fish being hit or miss. Many types of fish, including salmon, contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to improve mental alertness. Omega-3’s are considered ‘good’ fats and are linked to improved memory and brain function. They also can reduce the risk of degenerative mental diseases such as dementia.
Turns out those 8 recommended glasses of water are truly needed. Our brain depends on proper hydration to function at its best. Years of research have found that when we’re thirsty or dehydrated, we have trouble staying focused. Dehydration can impair short-term memory function and long-term memory.
What’s your favorite brain food?
photo credits: maira.gall via photopin cc, Darwin Bell via photopin cc , Dey via photopin BrownGuacamole via photopin , RLHyde via photopin cc, Madison Guy via photopin cc