I walked into a store last week and found myself lost in multiple aisles dedicated to back-to-school “necessities” for a college dorm room. I’m still in full summer mode, so it’s hard to wrap my brain around anything having to do with back-to-school. I realize that someday in the not-too-distant future, I too will be…
back to school
Waste Free Lunch Gear to Add to Your Lunch Box
Packing a waste free lunch has become second nature in our home. There aren’t many plastic baggies to choose from- we ditched those a few years ago- and there are plenty of reusable options. All three boys pack their own waste free lunch with a little guidance from mom and dad. The process isn’t pretty….
5 Healthy Back-to-School Tips For Families
The countdown has begun. Only a few days left until it’s back-to-school. How did that happen? At dinner tonight my ten year old announced that this was his best summer ever. Overcome with emotion, I nodded in agreement. It really was the best summer ever. Next summer has tough shoes to fill. Once the snow returns I’ll…
Heading Back-to-School With a Little Lunchbox Love
Picking out a back-to-school lunch box is underway for many families. Once the lunch box has been selected the next natural step is figuring out what goes inside. There are countless options for reusable containers, reusable napkins and water bottles. There’s one more item to add to that lunch box to make it complete: Lunchbox Love note…
My Picks: Safe Lunch Boxes for Every Age
Over the past few years I’ve been fighting hard to get toxic chemicals out of lunch boxes. Unfortunately there’s more work to do. Lunch boxes and toxic chemicals don’t belong together. Seems like common sense, doesn’t it? Yet a study from the Center for Health, Environment & Justice found that all the children’s lunch boxes tested contained up…
School Supplies and My Interview with The Wall Street Journal
School Supplies School supplies are covering every square inch of my living room floor at the moment. Notebooks, protractors, crayons, colored pencils and binders are everywhere. The tedious collection of school supplies began a few days ago when I had the sudden realization that school was about to begin and I had done nothing to…
5 Foods to Boost Back-to-School Brain Power
In need of a little extra brain power to prepare you for back-to-school? We have a few days to go before summer vacation comes to a screeching halt so I’m in the process of savoring every last minute with my kids (with some minutes definitely better than others). I have to confess that over the…