Picking out a back-to-school lunch box is underway for many families. Once the lunch box has been selected the next natural step is figuring out what goes inside. There are countless options for reusable containers, reusable napkins and water bottles. There’s one more item to add to that lunch box to make it complete: Lunchbox Love note…
LunchBox Love
Make Valentine’s Day Special With Lunchbox Love
Valentine’s Day with Lunchbox Love Valentine’s Day is just a few weeks away and guess what…..we’ve done nothing! Over the years somehow we’ve become very good at pulling our Valentine’s together at the very last possible second. Why should this year be any different? As some of you may remember, I was selected to be a…
Giving the Gift of Strength & Hope
We could all use the gift of strength & hope during challenging times. When a friend is going through a difficult time we all want to help but, sometimes the right words don’t come to us. I’ve personally been on both the receiving and the giving end of this equation, as I’m sure many…