Happy one year blogaversary to Groovy Green Livin.
It’s hard to believe that a year has gone by since I first launched this site. Time flies when you’re having fun! There’s no way I could let this date pass without a big thank you to all of YOU. Without you I would be doing a whole lotta talking to myself and that wouldn’t be any fun at all. So thank you for stopping by and providing me with oodles of support, suggestions, thought provoking comments, questions and ideas. You, my loyal and amazing groovy greenies, help to make this work.
In honor of my blogaversary I’ve decided to throw myself a little party and it’s happening in San Diego starting tomorrow. Some of you will be there and some of you won’t-but you’re all invited. I’m going to celebrate in style at BlogHer. BlogHer is a conference that brings together thousands (no joke-over 3,000) of women bloggers (and a sprinkling of men) from around the world to discuss, inspire and connect with each other. There will also be brands, brands and more brands there.
I’m ready. My schedule is somewhat daunting, with parties into the wee hours of the night. But I can’t think of any other way I’d want to celebrate. It’s my hope to connect with a handful of some of the incredible bloggers and brands that I’ve gotten to know virtually this past year. Beyond that……I’m willing to wait and see.
My problem of the moment: Getting my red carpet wardrobe together. I’m an over packer and I’m seriously out of control. Hopefully that will be the biggest issue of the weekend.
If you want to follow my BlogHer adventures be sure to follow me on Twitter and Facebook for updates galore. I’ll hopefully post some pictures too.
More posts about my blogaversary to come. Stay tuned.
So off I go to celebrate…..thanks for everything!
[Photo used under Creative Commons from D. Sharon Pruit/Flickr]