Say goodbye to Black Friday and Cyber Monday and hello to Giving Tuesday.
This year I managed to escape the crazy frenzy of Black Friday. I have to admit there’s a part of me that loves to hear the stories about waking up at an insane hour to wait in line for the purported bargain of the century. Hearing about someone pitching a tent or pulling an all-nighter catches my attention-probably because I could never imagine doing it (but no judgment for those that do). This year my focus was on travel and visiting family so Black Friday passed by without a purchase or regret. Here it is Cyber Monday and I find myself writing and catching up rather than scouring the internet for a deal. Don’t get me wrong-I have a long “to do” list for the holidays and a few family birthdays that fall in between.
But I’m finding my focus today is on something big: Giving Tuesday.
Giving Tuesday
This year something unique will take place on Tuesday, November 27, 2012. It’s being called #GivingTuesday, a day of giving at the start of the annual holiday shopping season to show that holiday shopping can be about both giving and giving back. Giving Tuesday is a day to prove that giving back to our communities is part of a great tradition of philanthropy and volunteerism that helps make this nation strong.
How you can get involved in Giving Tuesday
Interested in participating? It’s easy! Here are some ideas:
- Contribute to your favorite cause.
- Invite your company to match donations on that day.
- Volunteer at an animal shelter or food pantry.
- Organize a local toy drive, consignment sale or holiday goods sale to raise money and goods for charity.
- Organize a holiday bake sale or pre‐order for baked goods on #GivingTuesday which will be ready for the holidays.
- Involve your children. Make sure to include your children in whatever activity you decide to participate in for #GivingTuesday or any charitable event.
Our #GivingTuesday
We have a favorite stuffed animal named Strawberry who also serves as a piggy bank. For the past few years we have been handing over our spare change to Strawberry. After the holidays we add up what Strawberry has accumulated-typically not very much- and decide on a place to donate the funds. Involving our children in an act of giving has become an important family tradition.
If you’re looking for a few ways to give gifts that keep on giving HERE are a few ideas.
This Giving Tuesday and throughout the holiday season I challenge you to buy gifts that really make an impact.
What unique ideas do you have for Giving Tuesday or giving any day this holiday season?
I wrote this post as a member of the Global Team of 200, Mom Bloggers for Social Good.
photo credit: Banalities via photopin cc