Wordless Wednesday is meant to be a simple post which features a photo to convey a message that speaks for itself without using words; well not a lot of words!
This past weekend I competed in my 4th triathlon. As I said on my Facebook wall “I didn’t drown and I didn’t come in last”. Success! This was the final chapter in my Go Green Get Fit Challenge which launched back in June. I worked on eating well all summer and worked hard at keeping up with my fitness routine. It wasn’t always easy, but overall I feel great.
I do this tri every year with my husband. We are in different waves -the men and women start at different times. We woke up at 5:00 am, which is unheard of in this house. Our kids had slept at a friends house so we just had to rally ourselves that morning. It was 50 degrees and I could see my breath. I tried not to think about it since I knew the first leg of the race was the swim.
I needed coffee and I don’t drink coffee.
This was the lake right before we got in.
I was shivering even in a wet suit. Don’t we look pretty in swim caps and goggles?
Ready, set, go. Can you find me? I can’t.
My husband’s wave finishes before mine, but he always jumps back into the race to finish that last lap with me.
At the end of the race plastic water bottles are handed out to everyone. Recycling bins were nowhere to be found. Maybe I missed them? I’ll have to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Overall is was an amazing experience. My husband rocked it and our friend was a top finisher. We call him superman because he is.
Now it’s time to start training all over again for next year!
Have you ever competed in a race? Any races in your future?
Big thank you to Suzanne for documenting the day and being our one woman cheerleading squad. Thoughts go out to our friend BC who missed the race. You were missed and we are thinking of you.
Linked up with Better in Bulk, I Thought I Knew Mama, Dagmar’s Momsense, The Progressive Parent, Live and Love Out Loud.