Wordless Wednesday is meant to be a simple post which features a photo to convey a message that speaks for itself without using words; well not a lot of words! This past weekend I competed in my 4th triathlon. As I said on my Facebook wall “I didn’t drown and I didn’t come in last”….
Go Green Get Fit
{Review} Experimenting with Barefoot Running
Over the years I’ve had plenty of foot injuries. Plantar fasciitis has tormented me through many years of running and a heel spur made walking and running pretty uncomfortable. Thankfully my injuries haven’t been acting up lately I think in part because I religiously replace my running shoes after 6 months and use prescription orthodics…
Go Green Get Fit and Nutmeg Chewy Granola {Recipe}
As many of you know, I’m participating in the Go Green Get Fit Challenge presented by PlanetShoes.com along with 30 other bloggers. We just kicked off the challenge a week or so ago and I’m amazed by the inspiration and motivation that everyone is sharing. We are all entering this challenge from different places. Some…
Go Green, Get Fit with Me
Fitness Routine Disrupted If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you probably know that exercise is a big part of my life. It really kicked in when I started law school many moons ago. During a school vacation week I traveled with my family to Israel. My brothers and sister were always (and…