I don’t watch the news that often. I find most of the stories depressing and a sad commentary on the state of the world-something that I’m already well aware of. This week was a different story: on Wednesday night I watched the news from start to finish.
Let me back up for a minute before I get to why I watched the news. As many of you know I started a petition over at Change.org demanding that Procter & Gamble (makers of Tide) strip a harmful cancer-causing chemical out of Tide Free & Gentle®. The petition went viral. Over 78,000 people signed, demanding that Procter & Gamble change the formulation of their Tide laundry detergent. After almost a year Procter & Gamble realized they could no longer ignore our concerns. Victory! Procter & Gamble agreed in a California court to reformulate its detergents to reduce levels of 1,4 dioxane by September of 2013!
Now I can tell you why I watched the news.
I received an email on Wednesday from Amalia Barreda, (a local Boston reporter shown with me in the photo above) asking if she could interview me about the Tide victory.
I remember from my last two television interviews that the turn around time was very quick. This was no different. They showed up at my doorstep in an hour an a half. Somehow I managed to pull it together by shoving a lot of stuff in cabinets and closets. My house had the outward appearance of being somewhat clean .
They came in and we began casually discussing the Tide petition. I barely noticed when the cameras started rolling.
What I loved most about this interview was the casual tone that Amalia set. It was as though we were having a friendly conversation. Her questions were insightful and clear. We spoke for a bit and then they filmed some footage of me doing my bloggy thing-working on my laptop!
Here’s the clip if you missed it. The quality isn’t fabulous for now, but hopefully you can hear most of it!
Thanks for tuning in. Have a fabulous weekend!
Any big plans?