I don’t watch the news that often. I find most of the stories depressing and a sad commentary on the state of the world-something that I’m already well aware of. This week was a different story: on Wednesday night I watched the news from start to finish. Let me back up for a minute before…
Tide petition
Groovy Green Gig and Other Updates
Time for an update on the Groovy Green Livin front. From time to time I like to share with you what I’ve been up to- under one condition: that you do the same and share with me your latest and greatest! Podcast with Amber Strocel Two years ago at BlogHer in San Diego I…
Tide: Take the Cancer Out!
The The Power of We is a force to be reckoned with. Almost 80,000 of us have come together demanding that Procter & Gamble remove a cancer-causing chemical from their Tide Free & Gentle laundry detergent. Today thousands of writers from around the globe have come together for Blog Action Day to talk about one…
Groovy Green Friday: Tide Petition, Menstrual Cups and More
We met this cute pelican while vacationing last week. He reminded me of a character from a Pixar film-what a personality this bird had. He was determined to catch a fish and wouldn’t let anything get in his way, not even small children or fishing hooks. Now an entire week has gone by and vacation…