Nemo is here. Filmmaker Albert Brooks tweeted, “They have named this new Nor’easter Nemo. I am not looking for it.” Nemo arrived later than predicted, but it found us and is still dumping snow as I write. When we wake up in the morning we could have over 24 inches on the ground. Thank you Nemo. There…
Stonyfield Blends and Blendtec Blender Giveaway
My Blendtec Blender has rocked my world and french vanilla Stonyfield Blends has opened up a new door. Stonyfield Blends I have been calling myself a border line vegan for many years. As a refresher Veganism (vegan pronounced VEE-gun) is a type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. A…
Breaking News: Tide Agrees to Reformulate Laundry Detergent!
Breaking News: Tide has agreed to reformulate laundry detergents! For those of you who have been following Groovy Green Livin for a while you’ll remember that Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) released a report , Dirty Secrets: What’s Hiding in Your Cleaning Products?, which revealed high levels of the cancer-causing chemical 1,4-dioxane hiding out in Tide® and…
You Can Change the World
You can change the world ‘You can change the world’ sounds pretty dramatic doesn’t it? I think it’s hard for any of us to think that we have the power to do something so grand. But the amazing reality is that we do. Many years ago when I was fresh out of law school I…
Tide: Take the Cancer Out!
The The Power of We is a force to be reckoned with. Almost 80,000 of us have come together demanding that Procter & Gamble remove a cancer-causing chemical from their Tide Free & Gentle laundry detergent. Today thousands of writers from around the globe have come together for Blog Action Day to talk about one…
Since When is Cancer “Free and Gentle”?
As many of you know, I started a petition with the support of Healthy Child Healthy World and Women’s Voices for the Earth asking Procter & Gamble (makers of Tide) to strip a harmful cancer-causing chemical out of Tide Free & Gentle®. The petition launched in February, 2012 and in just 2 1/2 months we…
Groovy Green Livin on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer
It started off as a normal work day: writing, tweeting, responding to emails and catching up after a few days out of town. I was also prepping for my guest appearance on Gina Murphy-Darling’s radio show: Mrs. Greens World (tune in tomorrow, 3/31 at 3 pm EST). ABC World News with Diane Sawyer comes…