As many of you know, I started a petition with the support of Healthy Child Healthy World and Women’s Voices for the Earth asking Procter & Gamble (makers of Tide) to strip a harmful cancer-causing chemical out of Tide Free & Gentle®. The petition launched in February, 2012 and in just 2 1/2 months we…
cancer-causing chemical
Tide, Safe Pots and Pans, Makeup and More
Every week I’m amazed by the variety of headlines that pass by my desk. This week was no different. Here are a few headlines that caught my attention: There was a lot of buzz surrounding opening day of The Lorax movie. The movie opens today-Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! There was also great information on how…
Tell Tide to Remove a Cancer Causing Chemical from its Detergent
Today’s the day. It’s time to join forces with Women’s Voices for the Earth, MomsRising and Healthy Child Healthy World, to demand that Procter & Gamble (makers of Tide) strip a harmful cancer-causing chemical out of Tide Free & Gentle®. Like many moms, my commitment to a greener lifestyle was strengthened after having…