Lately I’ve been receiving oodles of amazing green questions from Groovy Green Livin readers through Facebook, Twitter and email. I love that so many of you are reaching out. While I try to answer each and every question individually, there are times when it’s impossible. There are also many times when your fabulous questions…
green community
Green Doesn’t Take a Vacation
In my everyday life I work hard to care for my little corner of the earth. I’m not perfect, but I try to make a difference. Whether it’s recycling, eating organic foods or supporting companies that share my views, I continue to plug along-taking baby steps towards making the world a better place. Being green…
Green Moms Unite to Talk About Toxic Chemicals
Everything from the food we eat to our cleaning products, furniture, personal care products and our yards can contain toxic chemicals. No one wants to be exposed to these harmful chemicals, but where do we begin? How do we sort through all the information? Sometimes it just makes sense to combine forces to find…
Tell Tide to Remove a Cancer Causing Chemical from its Detergent
Today’s the day. It’s time to join forces with Women’s Voices for the Earth, MomsRising and Healthy Child Healthy World, to demand that Procter & Gamble (makers of Tide) strip a harmful cancer-causing chemical out of Tide Free & Gentle®. Like many moms, my commitment to a greener lifestyle was strengthened after having…
ESP Goes to the Oscars and Grammys
One of our sponsors, Essential Safe Products (ESP), has some BIG news to share. They are heading to the Grammy Awards and Oscars in 2012! No, they haven’t been nominated for an award, but they will be hobnobbing with some of the biggest celebs. ESP has been named the featured sponsor for the 2012 Grammy…
Groovy Green Friday Follow Up
Whew! This week flew by and this Friday brings lots of Groovy Green things to share. Yoga If I haven’t already convinced you that yoga is the bomb-a recent study shows yoga could help ease sleep problems and could be used as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy for menopause. There’s really nothing to lose…
Book Review of Eat Non-Toxic: a Manual for Busy Parents
As parents, it’s part of our job description to protect our children from harmful chemicals. Most of us know, all too well, that it’s not an easy job. As we go through our daily lives we are confronted with information overload, pressuring us to buy specific brands –the media, our friends, family-everyone has an opinion. …