One of our sponsors, Essential Safe Products (ESP), has some BIG news to share. They are heading to the Grammy Awards and Oscars in 2012! No, they haven’t been nominated for an award, but they will be hobnobbing with some of the biggest celebs.
ESP has been named the featured sponsor for the 2012 Grammy Awards Backstage Talent Gift Lounge and coveted Gift Bag. How awesome is that? For those of you not in the know, there is an entire gift lounge filled with all of the hottest and trendy brands for the celebs to check out and take home. There will be a small section in the gift lounge completely dedicated to ESP.
Take a peek at last years Grammy Awards Gift Lounge:
I recently introduced you to Essential Safe Products, a site started by a Florida mother of six who has always been dedicated to providing a healthy and safe environment for her family. She created ESP as a one-stop, easy and friendly resource for those looking to learn about and lead a non-toxic lifestyle in the kitchen and on-the-go.
ESP will be the only non-toxic kitchen and on-the-go product company represented in the Grammy Gift Lounge. What a fantastic way to spread the ‘green and eco-friendly’ word. Over 150 celebrities will walk out of that lounge with gift bags from ESP with all sorts of non-toxic offerings valued at over $250.
Hannah from ESP shared with me why she is so excited to be a part of the Grammy buzz:
We are really hoping that by being a part of the gift bags we can help get the word out about hazardous chemicals and give people a place where they can find products to help them make chemical free changes in their lives at their own pace. There are so many people in this country who have never heard of BPA, and if they have, they don’t know about the dangers or other chemicals in products! By being in the Grammy Lounge, I am hoping the media exposure will get various newspaper and television outlets to start talking about toxic chemicals…..
ESP will also be a partial sponsor for the 2012 “Everybody Wins at the Oscars” nominee gift bag. These bags are given to those celebrities who don’t actually win the Oscars, but who were nominated.
At the Grammy Awards Hannah will be working the booth with her fiancé (lucky them!) sharing their non-toxic mission with all of the celebs. Congratulations ESP for helping to bring green, eco-friendly living to the mainstream.
p.s. I’m available to help out!
What do you think about an eco-friendly, green company getting into the Grammy and Oscar gift bags?
[Top image used under Creative Commons from Viktor Hertz/Flickr]