Everything from the food we eat to our cleaning products, furniture, personal care products and our yards can contain toxic chemicals. No one wants to be exposed to these harmful chemicals, but where do we begin? How do we sort through all the information? Sometimes it just makes sense to combine forces to find an answer. The astonishing and knowledgeable women of the Green Moms Carnival have once again joined together to share their wisdom, tips and stories, helping to shed some light on a confusing and overwhelming issue: how to keep toxins out of our home.
Brenna of Almost All the Truth has written an in-depth post about Keeping Our Homes Free of Unwanted Toxins. She talks about making changes and doing it one small step at a time.
Shane from Environmental Booty shares 3 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Family’s Exposure to Harmful Chemicals in Your Home. Shane had the opportunity to meet the Deputy Director of Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families, Lindsay Dahl!
Margie from Healthy Child Healthy World shares Eight Steps to Purging Toxic Chemicals From Your Home. Healthy Child Healthy World’s motto says it all: “No one can do everything but everyone can do something”.
Abbie aka Farmer’s Daughter has a few ideas to Keep Toxins Out of Our Home.
Amber from Strocel.com shares Eight Tips for Avoiding Toxins that she gathered from talking with other green minded folks.
Stephanie from Good Girl Gone Green put together a great list of 5 ways to Help Create a Non-toxic Environment.
Kathy aka Safe Mama has a few good tips for Keeping Toxic Chemicals Out of Your Home.
According to Erin from Green Kids Guide there are three primary ways that toxins enter our bodies. She shows us how to Keep toxins out of your body with the 3 points of entry.
Diane from Big Green Purse shares Clean and Green Dry Cleaning Methods Reduce Your Exposure to Toxic Chemicals.
Lisa from Condo Blues makes her own green cleaners and adorable labels. She explains why her Homemade Green Cleaner Labeling Privileges Have Been Revoked.
Karen from Best Of Mother Earth shows us how we can have a Self Cleaning Bathroom when we avoid using toxic cleaners.
Wondering where to start once you decide to make your home green and healthy? Tiffany over at Nature Moms has a few suggestions in her post: Green Housekeeping and Protecting Your Family from Hidden Household Dangers.
Micaela from Mindful Momma shares some info on the 3 Most Toxic Cleaning Products.
Charise from I Thought I Knew Mama has 5 Green Living, Spring Cleaning Tips to share. You’ve got to stop by to check out the adorable baby photo.
Have you ever noticed that horrible smell when you self-clean your oven? Suzanne of Mommy Footprint shares a very interesting post on Self Cleaning Ovens – Toxic For Humans or Only Birds?
Being green and toxin free doesn’t have to be cost prohibitive. Michelle from Simplify, Live, Love shows us how to Decrease Toxins with 4 Frugal Cleaning Ingredients.
Beth at My Plastic Free Live sheds some light on how BPA-Free Does Not Mean Safe.
Did you know that many plastic food containers contain antibacterial chemicals like Triclosan? Beth from My Plastic Free Life talks about how to Get the Antibacterials Out of Your Plastic!
Have you been wondering if Toxic Chemicals are Lurking in Your Furniture and Building Products? Anna from Green Talk shares what to look for when you bring new products into your home.
Do you love or hate that new car smell? CelloMom let’s you in on what’s behind that smell in her post: New car smell: good, bad or ugly?
Have you heard of a Soda Stream? Mary from In Women We Trust talks about how you can create a Toxic-Free Home with a Soda Stream.
Micaela aka Mindful Momma has a few suggestions for Non-Toxic Healthy Art Supplies.
Katy from Non-Toxic Kids participated in a body burden study and discovered that she had a high rate of Deca, a flame retardant. She explains what Deca is and how to Reduce Your Family’s Exposure to Deca (a flame retardant).
Betsy from Eco-Novice sheds some light on Avoiding Toxins in Baby Products. Betsy has a three month old and this is her third child. She has lot of tips to share about what she’s learned along the way.
Danika from Your Organic Life talks about the whys and hows of buying second hand furniture in her post: Buying 2nd-Hand Furniture that’s Off-Gassed from Model Homes.
Carolyn of Women of Green shares a podcast with Liberty Phoenix, the sister of River and Joaquin Phoenix. Liberty’s story is heart-wrenching: she experienced the death of her baby due to toxic out-gassing in his nursery and started a green building store so no other parent would have to ever experience what she did.
I was and continue to be inspired by the untimely loss of a 5 year old boy in our community to cancer. His family’s strength and perseverance inspired me to find ways to Keep Toxic Chemicals Out of My Home.
Harriet aka Climate Mama focuses on Keeping our Air Clean and Our Children Safe while shedding some light on the Clean Air Act.
Whew! That was a lot of good information. What are your tips for keeping toxins out of your home?
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