During the winter months, we often spend more time indoors in close contact with others—there’s lots of kissing, hugging, and shaking hands. This intimate contact increases the likelihood of catching a cold or the flu. Year after year, this has been the case. I’m typically caught off guard by a bad case of the flu…
non-toxic lifestyle
Better Life Loves Target and Here’s Why
Thank you to Better Life for sponsoring this post Last week I had a few hours to kill while my son was at soccer practice. There was a Target nearby so I decided to run a few errands. While walking up and down the aisles at Target I was amazed by the number of organic…
5 Green Accessories for Your Summer Barbeque
At our house it’s not uncommon to find us barbequing year round. We have been known to trudge out to the barbeque on snowy days just for the sake of a juicy veggie burger (is there such a thing?). But now that summer is upon us the barbeque is ready for constant action. As delicious…
Juice Beauty Review and Giveaway
I spend a lot of time looking into the safety of personal care products before I ultimately use them. Here’s what happens when I buy a new personal care product: Look through the ingredient list If everything at first glance looks OK I buy the product. Take the product home in a reusable bag (would…
5th Grade Puberty Video: Deodorant v. Antiperspirant
A few weeks ago my 11 year old son woke up not feeling well. He stayed home from school that day and ended up missing part one of ‘The 5th Grade Video’. You know which video I’m talking about-most of us have seen it (or some variation of it) during our own childhood. The movie…
Green Moms Unite to Talk About Toxic Chemicals
Everything from the food we eat to our cleaning products, furniture, personal care products and our yards can contain toxic chemicals. No one wants to be exposed to these harmful chemicals, but where do we begin? How do we sort through all the information? Sometimes it just makes sense to combine forces to find…
How to Keep Toxic Chemicals Out of Your Home
In 2009 I participated in my first triathlon. It was much more than a triathlon for me; it was a dedication to a 5 year old boy who was diagnosed with cancer while in preschool with my youngest son. My second triathlon was done in his memory. After a tragic and long battle with neuroblastoma,…