There’s a cabinet above the fruit bowl in our kitchen that’s overflowing with vitamin supplements. When I was pregnant I was very diligent and took my prenatal vitamin like clockwork. But ever since my pregnancies I’ve completely fallen off the wagon and all those supplements are sitting in the cabinet untouched. I focus on eating…
5th Grade Puberty Video: Deodorant v. Antiperspirant
A few weeks ago my 11 year old son woke up not feeling well. He stayed home from school that day and ended up missing part one of ‘The 5th Grade Video’. You know which video I’m talking about-most of us have seen it (or some variation of it) during our own childhood. The movie…
Lessons from The Lorax: 3 Ways Your Family Can Protect the Earth
“UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not. “DR. SEUSS’ THE LORAX When my oldest son (who’s now 11) was born my mother-in-law generously gave us a stack of children’s books she had been saving from when my husband was a child. The books were in…
Product Review: Ethical Ocean Kazuri Bead Bracelets
Black Friday and Cyber Monday have passed us by, but for many of us a few gifts are still needed. With long ‘to do’ lists, this time of year can be very hectic and stressful. It’s always refreshing to stumble upon something that makes life a tad bit simpler. Ethical Ocean is a site that…
5 Ways to Green Your Toilet Paper
Toilet paper is a staple in every home and yet it’s rarely discussed. It needs more recognition. It’s a necessity- right up there with food, water and shelter- and our toilet paper choices are impacting the environment in a big way. One would think that having three boys would actually help conserve toilet paper…
BPA free plastic isn’t as safe as we thought
A lot of information is floating around out there on the different types of plastics. Over the years we have learned that many plastics are known to be unsafe for use and that all plastics are a threat to our environment. Recently the talk has been about dangers of the chemical bisphenol-A (BPA). BPA, a…
Tips to Make Your Fireplace Eco-Friendly
Oh, the weather outside is frightful and in the Northeast the cold has hit us hard. While we patiently wait for our first real snow, many of us have already spent an evening or two curled up in front of the fireplace. Wish it weren’t so, but your fireplace is not the most eco- friendly…