During the winter months, we often spend more time indoors in close contact with others—there’s lots of kissing, hugging, and shaking hands. This intimate contact increases the likelihood of catching a cold or the flu. Year after year, this has been the case. I’m typically caught off guard by a bad case of the flu…
Healthy Food Choice
Organic Garden Harvest
It’s Wednesday and all over the internet you will find photos with no words of explanation. Why? Because pictures say a thousand words and today is Wordless Wednesday. I’ve been writing a lot about our small, itty bitty organic garden. I can’t stop writing and sharing photos because I’m in shock that we actually got…
{Recipe} Five Minute Vegan Strawberry Sorbet
The combination of heat and humidity have been draining over the past few days. To keep everyone cool and happy we have ramped our smoothie addiction up a notch. We are now experimenting with different flavors of sorbet, which are just as easy to make (if not easier) than a smoothie. This week we tested…
What is Baking Soda?
Lately I’ve been receiving oodles of amazing green questions from Groovy Green Livin readers through Facebook, Twitter and email. I love that so many of you are reaching out. While I try to answer each and every question individually, there are times when it’s impossible. There are also many times when your fabulous questions…
{Giveaway} Organic Earth Day Celebration with Cascadian Farm!
On April 22, 2012 more than one billion people around the globe will participate in Earth Day 2012. Earth Day is a day earmarked for action; a chance to show how important the environment is to you. The message of Earth Day can expand far beyond this one day-it can be a theme carried over…
How to Cook with Tempeh
The first time I tried tempeh I wasn’t a fan. I didn’t like the texture or the taste. A few years have passed and I can honestly say I’ve come full circle. Tempeh has become a food I can’t live without. What is tempeh? Tempeh is relatively new to those of us in the west,…
Tide, Safe Pots and Pans, Makeup and More
Every week I’m amazed by the variety of headlines that pass by my desk. This week was no different. Here are a few headlines that caught my attention: There was a lot of buzz surrounding opening day of The Lorax movie. The movie opens today-Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! There was also great information on how…