Spring has definitely not sprung in the Boston area (it’s snowing as I am writing), but knowing that Spring is just a few weeks away makes the slushy, cold days bearable. If your weather isn’t very “springlike” don’t let it deter you from gearing up for a stylish spring and beginning to prep your wardrobe for warmer weather.
There’s more than just shopping to think about. There are a few simple steps you can take to make eco friendly choices when freshening up your wardrobe.
Have a heart to heart with your closet (Recycle)
For every piece of clothing you add to your wardrobe consider donating something you haven’t used to someone in need. After all, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Donateguide.com has some suggestions for clothing donations.
Buy less (Reduce)
When you’re considering a clothing purchase, ask yourself whether you really need the item.
Buy from a second-hand shop (Reuse)
Second-hand clothing is a great option for eco-minded consumers. If you want to avoid the risk of supporting a sweatshop and want to keep your spending down, opt for a consignment or thrift shop.
Do your homework
Fairly Traded
Look for clothing that is hip and ethical. Fair trade clothing has come a long way from the frumpy, not-so-stylish wear of years past. Now you can find chic and stylish couture that is also eco friendly. When you buy Fair Trade clothing you’re supporting a system that provides fair wages and healthy working conditions to economically disadvantaged artisans worldwide. Fair trade clothing is made by people who work in safe factories and are paid a decent wage for their work.
Not produced in a Sweatshop
Fair trade clothing offers consumers a sustainable alternative to sweat shop made items. Sweatshops are known for paying ridiculously low wages and exploiting their employees’ by denying bathroom breaks and sick leave, and retaliating against workers who seek better treatment.
Check Green America’s National Green Pages™ for a listing of companies that have made firm commitments to sustainable, socially just principles, including the support of sweatshop-free labor, organic farms, fair trade, and cruelty-free products.
Everyone’s doing it
Big name designers are joining in, designing fashions that are eco friendly and using organic fiber and even recycled plastic soda bottles which they turn into fabric.
Some big names to consider:
H&M launched a Conscious Collection this spring. The line uses organic cotton, Tencel®, and recycled polyester.
Emma Watson (Yes, Hermione in Harry Potter!) in conjunction with Tree People, has unveiled her new Fair Trade 100% organic cotton clothing line.
Stella McCartney unveiled her Spring-Summer 2011 collection from Stella McCartney Kids. The vegetarian designer has kept her environmentally friendly ethics, using 100% organic cotton pieces featuring nature and animal illustrations and natural cork soled shoes.
Thankfully, being green sells and no one wants to be left behind.
This Spring (and always) you have the opportunity to make a difference. What are some of your eco friendly fashion ideas for welcoming a much needed Spring?
This post is for the Green Moms Carnival on Spring Fashion & Eco Choices hosted by Diane at Big Green Purse. For more great tips on Spring fashion the eco friendly way be sure to stop by Big Green Purse later this week.
[Top photo used under Creative Commons from Flickr]
[H & M photo used under Creative Commons from Reiner Kraft/Flickr]