Under my kitchen sink there’s an entire arsenal of non-toxic cleaning products. It didn’t happen over-night. It’s been a gradual switch, as things ran out they were replaced with a non-toxic alternative. Some of my favorite non-toxic cleaning products are from Better Life. I’ve mentioned Better Life before and told you that I’m an official blogger…
brand ambassador
Groovy Green Gig and Other Updates
Time for an update on the Groovy Green Livin front. From time to time I like to share with you what I’ve been up to- under one condition: that you do the same and share with me your latest and greatest! Podcast with Amber Strocel Two years ago at BlogHer in San Diego I…
Green Friends at BlogHer 12 in New York City
Whew. I just returned from a crazy fun weekend in New York City. BlogHer 2012 has come to a close after much laughter, sweat (incredibly hot and humid), reconnecting with old friends and making new. BlogHer is the largest blogging conference and this year was a big crowd with over 5,000 bloggers, speakers, brands…