Happy Friday! There are lots of things happenings in our Groovy Green World. Here are a few to kick-start your weekend.
National Stroller Brigade
Next week I’m headed to Washington DC for the National Stroller Brigade with Safer Chemicals Healthy Families and countless others. I’ll be meeting with Massachusetts Senators Kerry and Brown to ask for their support of the Safe Chemicals Act. Let me know if you’re planning to be there. Even if you’re not headed to DC you can take action HERE. I’m honored to be included in this exciting event. More details to come….
Green Child Magazine
The new issue of Green Child Magazine just hit the shelves and it’s gorgeous. The summer issue is packed with information on healthy foods, how to teach kids where their food comes from and an interesting interview with Green Living Expert, Sara Snow. Click HERE to read the magazine.
If you’re planning a vacation this summer, check out my article on traveling green with your kids. You can find it on page 10.
Yoga and Clean Air
Yoga has played a central role in my life for the past 16 years. I haven’t been consistent in my practice, but it comes into my life when it’s needed. Whenever we are confronted with a challenge, both on and off the mat, yoga provides us with the tools to create positive change. Air pollution is one of the larger, looming issues we all must combat that directly affects us during our yoga practice and throughout life. See why I think yoga and air pollution don’t mix in my post over at Moms Clean Air Force.
Perfect Popsicles
With summer just around the corner it’s time to start thinking about ways to cool off during those hot summer days. Popsicles are a great way to cool down. Most of the Popsicles found on the shelves at the market are filled with processed sugars or sugar substitutes such as high fructose corn syrup or Aspartame. So I decided to make my own. HERE’s the recipe if you want to give it a try.
Have a wonderful weekend! Are there any questions or messages you’d like me to deliver on my trip to DC?