Sometimes there’s a lot of news to share. It may not be earth-shattering news, but nonetheless I want to keep you involved and up-to-date on the groovy green goings-on. If you’re following me on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest or Instagram you could already be in the know. Sometimes I get giddy so I post things on my social media channels.
So here it goes. Take a peek at some of the groovy green news and highlights over the past few weeks.
Stonyfield News: I’m a Yo-Getter Captain
This year was pretty amazing and 2014 is starting off with a bang. I’m so excited to share that I’ve been selected to work with Stonyfield as a Yo-Getter Captain. As most of you know, Stonyfield is the world’s leading organic yogurt producer. I’ve been working with Stonyfield over the years and am quite passionate about the brand and what they stand for. The more I learn about the company the more I like what I see. This position takes my passion and connection with the brand to a new level. My roll will be to work with and manage a fantastic team of fellow bloggers on many exciting projects. I’m thrilled to be working with 4 other Yo-Getter Captains: Sarah White, Mindfully Frugal Mom, Amelia Winslow, Eating Made Easy, Caroline Edwards, Chocolate & Carrots, Lindsey Galvez, So Easy Being Green. Stay tuned for more info in 2014!
Mamavation’s List of the Top 50 Healthy Bloggers 2013
I’m both humbled and honored to be included as one of Mamavation’s Top 50 Healthy Bloggers for 2013. There are plenty of amazing folks on this list including some of my bloggy mentors and idols. Take a look when you have a chance to see who you know and follow. The list is laid out in a great format- making it simple to find each blog and follow either on Facebook or Twitter.
Speaking Gig for Center for Health, Environmental & Justice (CHEJ)
A few weeks ago I was asked by CHEJ to speak about Social Media and Environmental Health Campaigns-What You Need to Know. I presented alongside one of my favorite people, Margie Kelly who is the Communications Project Manager at the Breast Cancer Fund and the Marketing Communications Manager at Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. The wonderful Mike Schade of CHEJ was the moderator. I had a revelation about speaking-I’m finding the more I do it the more I love it. If you’re interested in listening to the presentation a recording can be found HERE.
Ways to Save Green This Winter
My recent post over at Manilla, 5 Ways to Save Green This Winter, was also picked up by Yahoo!Finance. Head on over to check out my tips.
My Uncommon Goods Gift List
If you’re not familiar with Uncommon Goods you should be. They’re a Brooklyn-based online marketplace with a penchant for design and focus on sustainability. And they have some pretty cool gift ideas. This year they asked me to curate a gift list including the top organic/green gifts for kids. There were so many fantastic choices, but THIS is what I finally came up with. Maybe you’ll find that last minute gift!
That’s all the news for the moment!
As we all start winding down for the holiday break remember to take time for yourself and enjoy! I’ll be back a few more times before closing up my laptop for a few days.
Any big weekend plans?
photo credit: ingirogiro via photopin cc