My Ecobaby Store has been a longstanding sponsor of Groovy Green Livin and I am very grateful to have them as part of our team. I decided it was time for all of us to learn a little bit about this store that was born from the need to provide quality organic products for babies….
Farewell to February
It’s hard to believe that February is coming to an end. Even though Punxsutawney Phil peered out from his hole and didn’t see his shadow winter in Boston is still going strong. How can it be that spring is only a few weeks away? To close out the month I wanted to share with you…
Cookie Lovers Look No Further-Starlight Creatives Are Delish!
Just in time for the holidays- I am happy to welcome a new blog sponsor to Groovy Green Livin. Starlight Creatives creates whimsical, decorated sugar cookies that are truly deliciously unique and impossible to resist. I know first hand since many have passed very quickly through my house. Starlight Creatives was started 6 years ago…