I’m back from ShiftCon in LA! ShiftCon is the very first international social media conference focusing on wellness, health, and the environment. What a fabulous experience. There’s so much to share, so I thought I would start off with things I learned (or realized) while at the conference.
1. I love my peeps. No, I mean I really love my peeps
We are not all the same. We have different opinions within a movement that’s making corporations stop and listen. We come from different places and different backgrounds. But we’re all working towards one goal: to make a difference and to make the world a better place for us all.
2. Meeting IRL makes a difference
Trina from O’Boy Organic and Sarah from Mindfully Frugal Mom
Blogging is kind of a funky profession. Many of us collaborate online and have never met in real life. Heading to a conference like this and having an opportunity to hug a person with whom you’ve worked with for years is an incredible experience.
3. Together we can change the world
After hearing Robyn O’Brien and Vani Hari, the Food Babe, give keynotes and feeling the brilliant and inspirational energy in the panel rooms, I have no doubt that together we can change the world. There are smart women and men out there (and I mean really smart) working tirelessly to make sure that happens and I have no doubt that it will.
4. Competition is out and collaboration is in
The profession of green and sustainable blogging thrives on people working together towards a few goals. Rarely have I encountered someone within the green blogging sphere who wasn’t willing to share information.
5. I love speaking in public
Social Media and Blogging for Change Panel presented by Lindsay Dahl of Safer Chemicals Healthy Families, Trina O’Boyle from O’Boy Organics and me.
A few years back, when I was practicing law I used to get physically sick before a trial. I was always well prepared, but the thought of speaking in public took hold and did a number on me. Over the past few years my public speaking opportunities have increased. At first I was hesitant to take any on for fear that I would become physically ill. Slowly I’ve been accepting more and more and I’m finding that I love speaking in front of an audience. Whether it’s in front of television cameras or speaking on a panel, I can’t get enough. I finally figured out why-because I’m speaking about something that I’m passionate about and it’s coming from my heart.
6. We need more men to show up at ShiftCon next year
There were a token few. I had the pleasure of meeting Mike, The Green Dad, who bravely decided to come to this conference among a sea of mainly women. We need more men. Their reach is different and their voice is needed to bring this movement to all.
7. We each have a unique perspective to bring to the table
It always amazes me that although we have so much in common we can also have so much diversity. Some of us come from conservative religious backgrounds and others from the left of left. But it doesn’t matter. That’s how we reach everyone.
8. You won’t be alone if you decide to wake up at 6:30 am to practice yoga or run a 5k
Coming from the East Coast, it wasn’t bad waking up at 6:30 for an exercise fix. Thankfully I wasn’t alone.
Penelope Jagessar Chaffer from Toxic Baby, Margie Kelley from Breast Cancer Fund and Paige Wolf from Spit That Out!
9. It’s possible to have delicious, healthy food at a conference
I’ve been to quite a few conferences and usually the food is nothing to write home about. The food was fabulous at ShiftCon- fresh, non-GMO, organic and healthy.
10. Green brands are where it’s at
When I first walked into the exhibit hall it was incredible to see all the brands and organizations that believed in and invested in this conference. I saw so many familiar faces including my Stonyfield crew, Organic Valley, Applegate, and Safer Chemicals Healthy Families. It’s not an inexpensive endeavor to set up a table at a conference. Thank you to each and every one of them for taking that leap of faith.
A special long distance hug to my friend and colleague, Micaela of Mindful Momma who wasn’t able to come to ShiftCon this year. Our thoughts go out to her and her family.
What were your top takeaways from ShiftCon? Who’s planning to go next year?
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