How to go GMO-free on Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day and chocolate seem to go hand-in-hand. Head into any store during the weeks before Valentine’s Day and it’s hard to miss the sea of chocolate.
Unfortunately many of our favorite chocolate treats are filled with Genetically Modified Organisms (also called GM, GE or GMOs). GMOs refers to crop plants that are consumed by animals and/or humans that have been tweaked or messed around with in a lab to boost desired traits such as: the ability of the plant to produce its own pesticide, disease resistance and improved nutritional value.
GMO labeling isn’t required in the US
Does that bother you? It bothers me. It actually makes me angry. We have the right to know what’s going into our food-don’t we? If we take a look at our friends in the EU and other countries -GMO labeling has been the norm for years. Yet in the US the FDA doesn’t require the labeling of GMOs in food ingredient lists.
5 Non-GMO Valentine’s Day Treats
If you’re planning to give the gift of chocolate this Valentine’s Day why not give GMO-free chocolate? Check out some of these choices (Please know that if you make a purchase using a link on this page, I may earn a commission and I am very grateful for your support of this site.).
Wild Ophelia
I was first introduced to Wild Ophelia at BlogHer last year in New York. I was selected as Wild Ophelia Posse Member, which means that I’m sent delicious samples of chocolate to taste test. Although not certified organic, their products are GMO-free, made from many organic ingredients sourced from small farms and food artisans. They have some pretty crazy flavors including BBQ Potato Chips, Beef Jerky and Peanut Butter Banana. Wild Ophelia has a new collection of Valentine’s Day hearts ready for the holiday. The New England Style Salted Caramel Dark Chocolate Bites aren’t going to last long in our house.
Equal Exchange Organic Chocolate
These organic chocolate bars are made with pure ingredients from small farmers in Central and Latin America and all their products are fairly traded in accordance with internationally recognized standards.
Theo Chocolate
Theo rocks. They state very clearly on their website: “At Theo we believe consumers have the right to know what is in their food and have made a commitment to non-GMO certification of our products.” Did I mention that their chocolate is also organic and fairly traded? A perfect combination.
Green & Black’s Organic Chocolate Bar
Green and Black’s adds no synthetic chemicals or genetically modified ingredients to their chocolate. Green & Black’s purchases organically-grown cocoa for a selection of their products according to ‘Fairtrade’ practices with sensitivity to the well being of farmers.
Endangered Species Bug Bites Organic Milk Chocolate
These little Bug Bites are so adorable. Each square contains a fun and educational insect trading card. The chocolate is certified organic, gluten-free, kosher and non-GMO verified. The cacao is sourced from Rainforest Alliance Certified™ farms, ensuring fair trade, responsible labor practices and sustainable farming.
What’s your favorite GMO-free chocolate?
Disclosure: Please know that if you make a purchase using a link on this page, I may earn a commission and I am very grateful for your support of this site. Thank you. (Read all the fine print here.)
photo credit: Brandon Christopher Warren via photopin cc