Micaela (Mindful Momma), Anna (Green Talk), me, Harriet (Climate Mama), Leigh (Green 4 You), Katy (Non-Toxic Kids) and Brenna (Almost All the Truth).
Bear with me please. I can’t stop writing about BlogHer 2012. Not because it was so extraordinary (it was) and not because there’s so much to say. The truth is I feel compelled to share all of my photos from BlogHer 2012 since I have a new camera and I can’t stop playing with it. So hang in there. This could very well be the last BlogHer 2012 post, then back to our regularly scheduled programming.
I already took you through day one at BlogHer with Stonyfield Organics and through my vegan findings in New York City, but there’s still more to share.
On Friday night I had a chance to meet-up with the some of the fabulous bloggers (I’m one of those bloggers!) and editors at Moms Clean Air Force.
Throughout this enormous conference (5,000 bloggers) I found ways to connect with new and old friends during smaller dinners and parties. Each of these meet-ups were by far the best part of the conference.
Lindsay, me, Julia, Heather, Sommer, Beth, Tiffany, Stephanie, Anna, Micaela, Katy and Janice (photo credit).
I even had a chance to meet my cousin Aviva for the first time. She blogs over at Old Mom Young Child-check her out!
The celebrity line-up at BlogHer didn’t disappoint. Clearly bloggers are a force to be reckoned with. Just look at who took time out of their busy schedules to speak to us. To kick off the conference, President Obama addressed the crowd and reminded us that “The Choice Women Face This Election Could Not Be Bigger”. Then came Martha Stewart (my camera was in my room).
And then Katie Couric rocked the crowd, promoting her new show: Katie. Katie is just as vivacious in real life as she is on television. She knows how to speak to her audience and was able to relate to all of us. Just adorable. And check out those pipes and legs (can’t see them in the photo, but trust me they were spectacular), which she attributes to spinning.
Next up Christy Turlington Burns (Every Mother Counts), Soledad O’Brien (Soledad O’Brien and Brad Raymond Foundation) and Malaak Compton-Rock (The Angel Rock Project) who were all inspirational and passionate about making the world a better place.
Soledad O’Brien is a remarkable woman.
Me, Soledad O’Brien, Katy Farber and Micaela Preston
There’s no question BlogHer is what you make it. There were pieces I loved and parts that I didn’t. That’s true with most things in life. Right now I’m planning to head to BlogHer 2013 in Chicago next year. I’m hoping to add on a little extra time to see my family in Wisconsin and my friends in Chicago.
If I didn’t see you at BlogHer this year I hope to find you at the next one!