Everyone has the right to know what’s in their food. It’s hard to disagree with that, right?
More than 90% of Americans believe GE (genetically engineered) foods should be labeled. Unfortunately, there are a few who don’t agree that GMOs should be labeled and they’re giving the pro labeling community a tough time.
Representatives Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) and G. K. Butterfield (D-N.C.) have introduced legislation dubbed the Deny Americans the Right-to-Know Act (DARK Act), which would deny consumers the right to know if there are genetically engineered ingredients in their food.
National Week of Action to Label GMOs
This week has been designated “National Week of Action to Label GMOs”. Together, we are trying to prevent another DARK Act from coming before Congress and possibly passing.
What is the DARK Act?
DARK is an acronym for the “Deny Americans the Right-to-Know” Act. Last year the “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act,” officially H.R. 4432, came before the 113th Congress and is likely to appear before the 114th Congress this year in a new bill.
The DARK Act would make the failed voluntary labeling system that we have had in place over the past 13 years permanent. Simply put, we have the right to know what’s in our food and the current system isn’t working. We need labeling.
How You Can Help. Let Congress Know that You Care.
There are many organizations working tirelessly to make sure GMO labeling remains on the forefront of the political landscape. As consumers, we can work alongside these organizations.
During this National Week of Action to Label GMOs we can work together to put a stop to this new version of the DARK Act.
Here’s what you can do to help:
- Sign THIS petition at Just Label It. You will be asked to enter your zip code. This will allow your petition to be sent directly to your members of Congress.
- Call your Senator. This isn’t as daunting as it sounds. Use WhoIsMyRepresentative.com to determine who to call and then let them know why you care about GMO labeling.
It would also be fantastic if you shared this info with your friends and family. We need to work hard, quickly and together to make the DARK Act go away.
If labeling GMOs is important to you and your family please spend a few seconds on this. Can you help? Thank you!
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photo credit: OccupyTheFarm: “Family Weekend At The Gill Tract Urban Farm” 4/28/2012 via photopin (license)