The upcoming Memorial Day weekend is thought of by many as the unofficial start of summer. School work is tapering down and the vacation season is about to kick in.
It’s the perfect time for a roundup of tips, suggestions and lists that will help keep you and your family healthy and safe this sensational summer
SUNSCREEN: 2011 SafeMama Safer Sunscreen Cheat Sheet
The SafeMama has created a comprehensive list of safe and rockin’ sunscreens that are not to be missed. All the sunscreens she approves must be free of Parabens, Phthalates, PEG’s (polyethylene glycols), Propylene Glycol, Phenoxyethanol, SLS/SLES and other toxic chemicals.
SafeMama has done her homework. She has personally tried many of the sunscreens and gives honest feedback about application, protection and ingredients.
GRILLING: Greening Your Grilling
Fire it up safely this summer: before grilling check out these tips.
LAWN CARE: Lawn Care Quick Tips
Think before you apply pesticides to your lawn. Do you really want your children or pets rolling around in toxic chemicals? Is it worth exposing them to pesticides or herbicides so your lawn can look pristine?
GARAGE OR YARD SALE: 9 Tips for a Successful Garage or Yard Sale
Now that all of the spring cleaning is done (right?), what do you do with all the “stuff” you no longer need? Here’s some great advice from the Green and Clean Mom for having a successful yard or garage sale.
FRUITS AND VEGGIES: Top 12 Fruits and Vegetables to Buy Organic
Its so nice to see all the locally grown fruits and vegetables starting to appear in the market. While buying organic is always the better option, it is impossible and cost prohibitive to buy everything organic. So how do we decide which fruits and vegetables to buy organic? Check out this handy dandy list of which fruits and vegetables have the most pesticides. The 2011 Guide will be out soon once USDA releases its latest round of produce testing.
Any other green summer tips to share?
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[Top photo used under Creative Commons from Lin Pernille/Flickr]