As I’ve mentioned in the past, New Year’s resolutions don’t work for me. They are a set-up for big time failure and I don’t handle failure very well. For all of us, January resolutions roll in just as the holiday season rolls out. I’m just returning from a wonderful week of family vacation. All we are struggling to do at the moment is return to our regular routine. When the alarm clock goes off tomorrow morning the routine will fall back into place, whether we are ready or not. Adding any significant change to the mix would throw me over the edge and would most certainly be a recipe for grumpy mommy syndrome-and trust me no one wants that.
In place of a resolution I’m going to try something new that seems inspirational rather than daunting. Chris Brogan came up with the brilliant suggestion to forgo the idea of a resolution, and instead, come up with 3 words that will help define your goals and experiences for the coming year.
My 3 Words for 2012
My three words for 2012 are:
The honesty that I am referring to relates to me (I’m already honest with all of you!). I’m going to focus on being completely honest with myself about what works in the growth of my business and my personal growth. There are so many incredible opportunities out there reading for the taking, but it’s impossible to do them all. This will be a year of evaluation and serious thought before jumping in. Then, once a decision is made, I can jump in with two feet and do my very best.
No, I’m not talking about more gifts. This is about being present. Really living in the moment and focusing on what’s happening NOW. My youngest son is known for waking up every morning with a big smile and asking “What’s the plan for the day?” If there is something special happening he then proceeds to ask (over and over) “When is it time for ____?” It’s hard for all of us to live in the moment. We are constantly thinking about something in the future that we’re excited or anxious about. My rational self knows that whatever is coming in the future will always be there. I’m going to work on making sure my true self realizes this too so that I am able to be present and enjoy every moment.
What I have learned from blogging thus far is that I have so much more to learn (and this is one of the things I love most about blogging). I have also learned that there are countless passionate, brilliant and knowledgeable men and women out there very willing to help (you know I’m talking about YOU). I am planning to tap into all of that powerful knowledge in 2012 because I know I can’t do it alone. I have a few projects stored inside my head just waiting for the OK, but I’m in need of a lot more information before they are ready for sharing. So be on the lookout-I just might be reaching out to learn a little from you.
What are your 3 words for 2012?
Much of my inspiration for this post came from 30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself.
Photo used under Creative Commons by Hokpakh/Flickr]