I walked into a store last week and found myself lost in multiple aisles dedicated to back-to-school “necessities” for a college dorm room. I’m still in full summer mode, so it’s hard to wrap my brain around anything having to do with back-to-school. I realize that someday in the not-too-distant future, I too will be…
non toxic
Why Mineral Sunscreen is a Safer Choice
This post is brought to you by Goddess Garden. This time of year most of us are slathering on sunscreen before we head out the door. We all know how challenging it is to get our kids to wear sunscreen, but it’s a necessity if we want to avoid skin cancer. I’ve been forced to…
What to Bring to Summer Camp
Every morning one of my kids makes the countdown announcement: “Only ten more days until summer!” We still have a few more weeks of school here in the Northeast, but summer vacation is right around the corner. And everyone’s ready. Once school winds down preparations for summer camp kick in. Woo hoo! I have such amazing…
Best Non-Toxic Lip Balm for Kids and Adults
Raise your hand if your lips are chapped. I have tubes of lip balm everywhere, ready to be applied over and over throughout the day. This is the time of year when many of us have dry, cracked lips. With the wind, snow, and lack of humidity, chapped lips are here to stay for a few…
3 Safer Laundry Detergents
Every summer all three of my boys go to sleepaway camp. When they come home their duffle bags are a disaster. Clothing is jammed inside mixed together with sand, dirt and other surprises. Laundry is one of my least favorite activities, but when my kids come from home from camp it’s a must. When…
Better Life Loves Target and Here’s Why
Thank you to Better Life for sponsoring this post Last week I had a few hours to kill while my son was at soccer practice. There was a Target nearby so I decided to run a few errands. While walking up and down the aisles at Target I was amazed by the number of organic…
It Can Be Done! Bringing Safe Deodorant to Students
This is a story about deodorant. If you’ve been following along for a while, you know that one of my favorite sayings is “Together we can change the world“. I’ve seen it happen over and over. Here’s yet another example of how a small change can have a big impact-and the starring community in this story is…