Wordless Wednesday is meant to be a simple post which features a photo to convey a message that speaks for itself without using words; well not a lot of words!
This wasps nest was discovered on the first day of school at our next-door neighbors house. As massive and intimidating as it is, there’s something beautiful about it.
I’ve since learned that wasps make their nests out of pulped wood and bark, which they gnaw, chew up and turn into a pulp for the nest by mixing it together with their saliva. It’s amazing to think that an entire community of wasps worked together for many weeks to create this.
What’s the next step? What would you do if you saw this on your home?
Please take a minute to sign my petition asking Disney to get toxic chemicals out of their princess and Spiderman lunch boxes! Click HERE to sign.
Linked up with Better in Bulk, I Thought I Knew Mama, Dagmar’s Momsense, The Progressive Parent, Live and Love Out Loud.
Thanks to our neighbors for noticing this nest and thanks to my husband for snapping a photo.