I always love taking a sneak peek into someone else’s home. I’ve shared with you what’s under my kitchen sink and some of my favorite safe shampoos and lotions. My friend Lindsay has also shared some behind the scenes glimpses into her home with a look at what’s under her sink and what’s in her pantry.
Today it’s time to take a little peek into my kitchen, which you can see in its entirety in my interview with ABC World News.
There are 3 small kitchen appliances that I use every day and I can’t live without them!
I spent a lot of time researching and seeking out the safest brand before buying each one. They are not inexpensive, but so worth the investment. Feel free to piggy back off my research and treat yourself to one of each. You deserve it!
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VitaClay Organic Multi-Cooker/Rice Cooker

I’ve had multiple rice cookers over the years and hands down I like the VitaClay Organic Multi-Cooker/Rice Cookerthe best. The interior pot is ceramic rather than stainless steel and doesn’t contain aluminum, lead or any non-stick chemicals. It works like a charm every time I make rice or any grain. I’ve even used it for oatmeal.
There are multiple settings: for white rice (Quinoa), Brown rice (Wholegrain, or Wild rice), Sweet rice (Sushi, Sticky), Reheat, Stew (Roast or Steam or Beans, or less liquid cooking), Soup (Broth or more liquid based cooking) and Yogurt(yes, you can make your own yogurt).
It seems to cook the rice very quickly. My favorite feature is the “delay start”. I can program the rice cooker to turn on at a set time. Once the rice finishes cooking it automatically keeps it warm.
My only challenge with this rice cooker is that the lid is sometimes difficult to take off when the pot is hot.
All-Clad 6.5-Quart Slow Cooker with Black Ceramic Insert
The All-Clad 6.5-Quart Slow Cooker with Black Ceramic Insert is the best of the best.
If you’re anything like me and driving your kids around just before dinner time, this slow cooker is for you. It has a 26-hour programmable timer, which allows you to time dinner perfectly. It’s also quite large so we can prepare a meal and have lots of leftovers. I love that it turns to the warm setting once the cooking’s complete. The ceramic insert is very easy to clean.
PRICE: $179.95
The SodaStream Crystal
We love our SodaStream . There are quite a few versions out there, but we chose the SodaStream Chrystal
since it uses a reusable glass carafe. Personally I’m not a fan of carbonated water (I don’t like the bubbles), but the rest of my family can’t get enough. Since this love of sparkling water has turned into a bit of an addiction I decided to do a little homework to make sure that consuming a lot of the bubbly stuff wasn’t impacting our health.
The bottom line: carbonated water is basically harmless. It’s just water and bubbles. An added bonus: by using a SodaStream you’re creating a positive impact on the environment by not using all the plastic bottles and cans generated from the store bought version.
PRICE: $179.99
What’s your favorite kitchen appliance?
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*Disclaimer: I’ve included Amazon affiliate links for each of these items. I will earn a small commission off of anything you buy through these links. Thank you for your support this site. All opinions are 100% my own, as always!