This week The Huffington Post in partnership with NRG launched a new section called Generation Change. This launch is very exciting for many reasons, but one that is super exciting.
Writing for The Huffington Post
My BIG news: I’m going to be writing for this new section of The Huffington Post! My first post went live this week: How Climate Change Could Affect Your Breakfast. I’m thrilled to be a part of this exciting and important addition to an already fabulous publication.
This new HuffPo section is dedicated to creating awareness of and fostering a conversation around climate change and clean energy with the goal of preserving our planet. It will explore everything from clean technology options for homes and businesses to breakthroughs in climate legislation and the latest developments at the forefront of renewable energy.
Here’s a Tweet for you:
How Climate Change Could Affect Your Breakfast by @groovygreenlivi via @HuffPostGreen #climatechange
— Lori Popkewitz Alper (@groovygreenlivi) September 5, 2014
Featured on everydayhero
I’m also honored to be featured on everydayhero, a company that helps people give back to causes they are passionate about. everydayhero, it is an online platform that helps people fundraise for any cause they choose. The platform is integrated with MapMyFitness, VolunteerMatch, Facebook and Twitter, so that people can see how everything they do (fun for charity, volunteer at the SPCA, share their stories on social) contribute to and count towards giving to a cause. All this information is calculated into your Giving Footprint that grows with your activities over time.
Stay tuned for more from me on The Huffington Post.
And while you’re waiting have a fabulous weekend! Any big plans?
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photo credit: IllinoisLibrary via photopin cc