Photo used under a Creative Commons by Ed Kohler
Check out these simple changes you can make in your everyday life that won’t cost you anything and will send you on your way to a greener lifestyle.
- UNPLUG-Things all around us are plugged in – phone/iPod charger, computer, toaster, TV, microwave. When not in use, unplug anything that uses electricity. These are all sucking power even when you are not using them. Using a power strip would make this easier-just one flick of a switch. Watch that electric bill go down.
- RECYCLE– Make the effort and throw anything that can be recycled into a recycle bin for pick-up, if available, or take it to the dump. Recycling saves landfill space, saves natural resources and energy, creates jobs, saves money and creates less pollution. For recycling electronics check digital tips.
- FORGO THE SHOWER –Not completely, just switch out your shower to every other day. It’s better for your hair, your pocketbook and the environment.
- WALK OR CYCLE-Try to walk or cycle to a place that you would normally drive. You can do it, I know you can.
- TAKE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION-Check out the train system or the bus system in your area.
- MAKE SURE THE DISHWASHER AND LAUNDRY MACHINES ARE FULL-Before running the dishwasher see if you can squeeze in that last dish or fit that pair of pants into the washing machine.
- WASH YOUR LAUNDRY IN COLD WATER-80-90 percent of the washing machines energy is used to heat the water. Your clothes will be just as clean-honest!
- TURN DOWN THE HEAT, TURN UP THE A/C– Turn that heat down and turn the a/c off or way up when you leave for the day.
- DON’T BUY BOTTLED WATER-Check out your tap water-it could be better than you think. Just click on http://www.epa.gov/safewater/dwinfo/index.html to find out information on your local tap water. Those plastic bottles are BAD, leaching chemicals into your water that goes into your precious body.
Photo used under a Creative Commons by Steve Johnson
- TURN OFF THE WATER WHEN YOU BRUSH YOUR TEETH– Don’t let it run-be aware.
- TURN OFF THE WATER WHEN DOING DISHES-Does it really need to run the entire time you are washing dishes?
- DITCH UNWANTED CATALOGS-If you are like me, your mail box is full of junk mail. I laugh every time the American Girl catalog shows up-since I have three boys they must think that I would like a doll for myself. Go to http://www.catalogchoice.org/ to stop those unwanted catalogs.
- USE REUSEABLE SHOPPING BAGS-You don’t have to use the fancy bags the stores sell. Use any bags you have at home-old totes work just fine! I keep smaller bags with me all the time for trips to the pharmacy, bookstore or any other store.
- USE FREECYCLE, CRAIGSLIST OR OTHER SITES THAT HAVE FREE STUFF– It’s all about reusing and keeping good stuff out of landfills.
So many simple ways to be green without spending. Do you have any more to add to the list?
For more information on ditching catalogs check out Hip Moms Go Green.