I do my best to keep things as simple as possible every day, but that doesn’t always work out. I’m sure that’s true for many of us. There are days when I’m running around like crazy and those days are anything but simple. And then there are the days where I’m sitting at my desk most of the day hopefully being incredibly productive.
Regardless of how my day unfolds, there are a few simple things that I always try to fit in.
Drink Lemon Water
Every morning squeeze a half a lemon into a glass of water kept at room temperature (use a whole lemon if you’re over 150 lbs). Continue squeezing and drinking this mixture throughout the day. Adding a little lemon to your diet can help with everything from weight loss and bad breath to preventing wrinkles.
Eat a Mango
I’ve taken the old adage “eat an apple a day” to a whole new level: “Eat a mango a day”. When a mango is ripe the flavor is magical. It is a little piece of nature’s candy. Did you know there are over 1,000 varieties of mangoes? They’re known to help prevent cancer, improve digestion, boost your immune system and contain a big dose of Vitamin A for improved eye health. Now that I’ve figured out how to peel and eat a mango without embarrassing myself they’ve become part of my daily menu.
Working out in the morning jump starts your metabolism and gives you an energy boost that will many times last throughout the day. I’ve been exercising in the morning for years and it works. My morning schedule has been crazy, so a morning workout doesn’t always happen. I try to find time during the day, every day, to fit some form of movement in.
Wear Sunscreen
Do this every day, rain or shine, warm weather or cold. There’s no question, the best form of sun protection is to stay out of the sun (although a little outdoor time is recommended for much needed Vitamin D). It’s not realistic to stay out of the sun or cover-up 24/7 so we need to turn to sunscreen for some additional protection from the sun’s harmful rays. Find a safe, non-toxic sunscreen (don’t use a spray) and apply it every morning before you head outside. My favorite sunscreen for the face is Coola Sunscreen. It doesn’t go on greasy and is a great choice for every day wear.
Yes, this is in addition to my daily workout. My job requires that I sit at my desk for sometimes hours at a time. Earlier this year a study was released finding that sitting increases our chances of getting a disease or a condition that will kill us prematurely, even if we exercise. So now in addition to working out I try to incorporate some of THESE SIMPLE STRETCHES into my daily routine.
What simple things do you do every day to stay healthy?
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photo credit: Tulips Stretching for the Warm Sun via photopin (license)