Over my few years of blogging my motto has morphed into “Together We Can Make a Difference”. Why? Because we can. I have proof. I’ve seen thousands of people band together and influence some of the largest consumer product companies in the world. This is real change and real progress.
The past few days have been a complete whirlwind – in a good way. No, a great way. And I owe a lot of the excitement to YOU.
I received an award for Distinguished Service to the Community
I’m feeling incredibly humbled and honored. After spending the day in New York City I made my way back to Massachusetts and then turned around and headed into the State House in Boston to receive an award for consumer advocacy.
It was such a special day and my family was kind enough to join me and shower me with their unwavering support. The boys were not happy about changing out of their shorts and t-shirts, but missing school was a big plus.
I was honored at the State House in Boston by Representative Kenneth I. Gordon and Senator Mike Barrett.
The House of Representatives presented me with a Citation that read:
The Massachusetts House of Representatives offers its sincerest congratulations to Lori Alper in recognition of your steadfast commitment to promoting environmental education and awareness.
The Massachusetts Senate also presented me with this Official Citation:
The Massachusetts Senate hereby extends its congratulations to Lori Alper in recognition of your passionate consumer advocacy and dedication to environmental education.
Seriously cool stuff. To be honored and recognized by your state for the work that you and thousands of others are doing makes everything worthwhile.
And now back to why I have YOU to thank. So many of you continue to support the issues that so many of us hold near and dear to our heart, most of which fall under the “keeping our children safe” umbrella. Your support comes through in many different ways- for example those of you who signed the Tide petition and/or the Disney petition were instrumental in making change happen.
A big thank you to Representative Gordon and Senator Barrett for the incredible work they are doing to make the world a better place and their willingness to recognize others on a similar quest.
Like I said, together we can and will make a difference.
Now back to yoga pants, soccer, karate and baseball. Have a groovy green weekend! Any big plans?