Many of us are already buying organic food and non-toxic personal care products whenever we can. While buying organic is always the better option, it is impossible and cost prohibitive to buy everything organic. Our focus tends to be on organic foods, but there are a few organic products that deserve our attention and should be added to our cart the next time we shop.
5 Products to Buy Organic
Organic Sheets
With almost 1/3 of our lives spent in bed, what we have in our bedrooms does impact our health. Many conventional bedding options contain formaldehyde and chemical dyes.
Organic bedding doesn’t contain any of the chemicals that regular bedding could have. Since we’re spending so much time in our beds why not make the investment (organic bedding tends to be pricey) in organic bedding and take care of our bodies?
Organic cotton swabs
For a few cents more you can buy organic cotton swabs for your ears and makeup removal. This will protect your ears and face from harmful chemicals used in the production of cotton. Cotton is one of the most heavily fertilized crops, which means your cotton swabs contain unwanted pesticides. If you want to keep bleached, chemical laden cotton out of your ears and off of your face make the investment in organic cotton swabs.
If you’re not the menstrual cup type then organic tampons are the way to go. There have been studies finding toxic chemicals linked to cancer, hormone disruption, and allergic reactions in certain brands of tampons, pads, douches, wipes, and sprays. Unfortunately, the FDA does not require feminine-care product manufacturers to tell you what’s in their products. This is frightening since tampons come in contact with some of the most absorptive tissue on women’s bodies and many of us are using them for a few days each month. Make the switch to organic!
I don’t know about you, but I use my bath towel almost every day. Coming from the gym, yoga or a run, a shower is generally needed. Many conventional towels are chemically treated with bleaches, dyes, and industrial chemicals used when manufacturing conventional cotton. Towels come in direct contact with your skin so buying organic makes sense if you want to avoid harsh, harmful chemicals.
Did you know that there is no such thing as a 100% sulfite-free wine? Sulfites develop naturally as a by-product of fermentation in small amounts and can cause allergic reactions and asthma symptoms. Sulfites might not be added, but all wine, beer, and cheese contain some natural sulfites. Organic wine in the US cannot contain added sulfites, but can contain naturally occuring sulfites.
If you’re looking for wine that doesn’t contain added sulfites, buy yourself a bottle of organic wine. Organic wine in the US cannot contain added sulfites. The wine may have naturally occurring sulfites, but the total sulfite level must be less than 20 parts per million. If wine is made in the US and it contains added sulfites (an additive used to prevent spoilage) it must contain these words on the bottle label: “Contains Sulfites”. Some winemakers will add sulfites to prevent wine from oxidizing and spoiling quickly. It’s surprising that the US is one of the only countries that requires bottles be labeled if a wine contains sulfites.
What are your favorite organic products?
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