At this point in the election cycle, it’s pretty easy to lose sight of what’s at stake when we head to the polls to vote. Things have gotten ugly and out of hand and there’s so much hatred and animosity. These days it’s hard to imagine a “United States of America” since division and divisiveness…
Save the Environment by Using Your Bike
It’s Wednesday and all over the internet you will find photos with no words of explanation. Why? Because pictures say a thousand words and today is Wordless Wednesday. I have a friend with a bike. A really cool bike. He is a true greenie. He uses his bike for much more then just transportation. Can…
What the Frack is Going On?
What the Frack is Going on? Fracking (short for Hydraulic Fracturing) is what’s going on-and it could be happening in your backyard. In the US fracking is underway in 36 states. There’s big buzz about fracking these days-some for and some against. Josh Fox ‘s documentary, Gasland, outlines the frightening issues surrounding fracking. His story…