My spin class at the gym was packed this morning. Not a spare bike to be found. Just goes to show you that no one wants to be outside when the temps are below zero. Or maybe everyone has a New Year’s Resolution to hit the gym?
Whatever the reason may be, during the winter months it can be somewhat challenging to stay active and healthy.
I’ve somehow managed over the years to stay motivated and we’re doing the same as a family. I’ve figured out a little trick. When I throw out an idea for a family activity I leave very little wiggle room for anyone to bail. For example I sometimes randomly announce “In about 15 minutes we are all going for a hike”. There are inevitably a few groans and moans, but if we all head out the door it’s unlikely that anyone will want to stay behind.
There are a few things you can do to keep your family healthy, happy and active throughout the winter months. Once these suggestions become part of your daily routine the transition to spring and summer will be a breeze.
Eat Healthy Food
This sounds so simple, yet it’s a challenge for many of us. When we’re rushing around it’s hard to fit in a good, healthy meal. I try to keep healthy after school snacks easily accessible. Slicing up veggies are quick and easy. Also, as a special treat we are well stocked with Stonyfield yogurt. Another easy snack to grab n go.
Stay Active Together
Find an activity that everyone in your family loves to do and go with it! Our family happens to love to ski. We try to spend as much time as we can on the slopes. I love it most because there are no screens involved and we’re outside together even on those chilly below zero days.
Cook Together
It’s so important to let your kids be active participants in the cooking process– especially if they show an interest. If they cook it they’re more likely to eat it and hopefully love it. Especially if the food they’re preparing is healthy. Having cookbooks for kids around the house will make the process that much easier.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is so important in our overall health. In a large U.S. study, people who tended to get less than six hours of sleep nightly were more likely to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and to be obese.
Allow Your Children to Explore
Allow your children to find what they really love to do and support them in their decision. I always tell my kids that I truly don’t care what activity they choose as long as they’re moving. If everyone in your family has different interests, alternating activities might work well. What one child may love might not resonate with the others and that’s OK. Unless it’s skiing of course.
How do you keep your family healthy and active?
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Disclosure: This post was created in partnership with Stonyfield. I am honored to be a paid YoGetter Captain for Stonyfield Organic. All opinions in this post are my very own.