It’s September and I already have my first cold of the season. We all know that there’s never a good time for a cold, but the coughing sneezing and other symptoms always seem to appear at the most inopportune times. I guess there’s only so much we can do to prevent the inevitable!
I know I’m not alone. Everyone seems to be sniffling, sneezing and coughing, trying desperately to find remedies to ease their symptoms. Now that I have a cold, my goal is to shorten its duration.
Here are a few tricks I’m using to help kick my cold.
Please remember to visit your doctor if your symptoms persist or worsen.
Eat Healthy
Eating healthy seems like an obvious choice when combating a cold. This is the time of year when our immune system is working on overdrive. We are back to a packed schedule with work and family and there’s little time to care for ourselves. By eating healthy food we can naturally strengthen our immune system and stay healthy throughout the year. A few of my favorites menu additions are broccoli, salmon, nuts, and garlic.
Use a Neti Pot to help with cold congestion
I’m in love with my Neti Pot. Whenever I have a cold or any sort of congestion I turn to my Neti Pot
. It takes a bit of an effort and it’s not pretty to watch, but if used correctly it removes excess mucus, pollen, dust, and other environmental irritants from the sinus passages. Don’t forget to add the salt
Take Homeopathic Nature’s Way Umcka ColdCare
I’ve been using Nature’s Way Umcka ColdCare Chewable tablets since my symptoms first appeared and they seem to be doing their job. I always keep them in stock so we can start taking them whenever a cold begins.
Drink Hot Tea
My cabinets are filled with an arsenal of hot tea options. When I feel a cold coming on I break out my organic cold and flu brew. I also like Traditional Medicinals, Organic Throat Coat Tea
when I have a sore throat. The heat from the tea helps boost the immune system. My kids love Traditional Medicinals Just for Kids Organic Cold Care Tea
. If hot tea’s not your drink of choice make sure to find other ways to drink plenty of liquids!
While Oregano is delicious on pizza, pasta, and many other foods, it can also help kick a cold. Oregano oil has antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it ideal for reducing the duration of a cold. I generally take oregano oil when the first symptoms appear. I like to keep oregano oil soft gel tablets in my kitchen cabinet so they’re ready to go. You can take an oregano capsule twice a day with meals. To treat a sore throat add 6 drops of organic oregano oil
to a glass of water and gargle a few times each day.
Don’t forget to get enough sleep and drink plenty of liquids!
Please speak with your doctor before trying any of these remedies.
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